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Angular is a popular open-source web application framework developed and maintained by Google. It is a TypeScript-based framework for building dynamic, single-page web applications (SPAs). Angular follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and provides a set of tools and features for building complex and scalable web applications.

Some key features of Angular include:

  1. Two-way data binding: Angular provides automatic synchronization of data between the model and the view, making it easy to manage dynamic content on web pages without writing a lot of boilerplate code.
  2. Dependency injection: Angular has a built-in dependency injection system that makes it easy to manage and inject dependencies into components, services, and other parts of the application.
  3. Directives: Angular allows developers to create custom HTML elements and attributes called directives, which can be used to extend the functionality of HTML and create reusable components.
  4. Component-based architecture: Angular encourages building applications as a collection of components, which are self-contained, reusable, and modular. Components in Angular are responsible for the presentation logic and user interface.
  5. Reactive programming: Angular supports reactive programming using RxJS, a powerful library for handling asynchronous data streams, making it easier to manage asynchronous operations such as HTTP requests, event handling, and state management.
  6. Testing: Angular has built-in support for unit testing and end-to-end testing, making it easy to write and run tests for different parts of an application, ensuring high-quality code.
  7. Mobile app development: Angular also provides tools and features for building mobile applications using Apache Cordova, Ionic, or NativeScript, allowing developers to create cross-platform mobile apps using familiar Angular concepts and syntax.

Angular is widely used by developers for building modern, scalable, and performant web applications. It has a large and active community, extensive documentation, and a rich ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools, making it a popular choice for front-end web development. However, it also has a steeper learning curve compared to some other frameworks due to its complex features and concepts. Nevertheless, with its powerful features and capabilities, Angular is a powerful tool for building complex web applications. So, whether you are building a small personal project or a large enterprise application, Angular can be a great choice for your web development needs. Let me know if you have any specific questions or need further information about Angular! I’d be happy to help.

Angular (web framework)

Rakish (likewise alluded to as “Precise 2+”) is a TypeScript-based, free and open-source web application system drove by the Precise Group at Google and by a local area of people and companies. Rakish is a finished rework from the very group that fabricated AngularJS. Rakish is a Solitary Page Application System which is utilized for making Quick Web Applications. It involves ideas of SPA in which UI is conveyed in the start of use demand and later just information is mentioned which makes SPA applications quick.


AngularJS is an ended free and open-source JavaScript-based web system for creating single-page applications. It was kept up with basically by Google and a local area of people and organizations. It meant to improve on both the turn of events and the testing of such applications by giving a structure to client-side model-view-regulator (MVC) and model-view-viewmodel (MVVM) designs, alongside parts normally utilized in web applications and moderate web applications.

AngularJS was utilized as the frontend of the MEAN stack, that comprised of MongoDB information base, Express.js web application server system, AngularJS itself (or Rakish), and Node.js server runtime climate.

As of January 1, 2022, Google no longer updates AngularJS to fix security, program similarity, or jQuery issues. The Precise group prescribes moving up to Rakish (v2+) as the best way ahead, however they likewise gave a few different choices.


The AngularJS structure worked by first perusing the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) page, which had extra custom HTML ascribes installed into it. Rakish deciphered those credits as mandates to tie info or result portions of the page to a model that is addressed by standard JavaScript factors. The upsides of those JavaScript factors could be physically set inside the code or recovered from static or dynamic JSON assets.

AngularJS was based on the conviction that revelatory programming ought to be utilized to make UIs and associate programming parts, while basic writing computer programs was more qualified to characterizing an application’s business rationale. The structure adjusted and stretched out customary HTML to introduce dynamic substance through two-way information restricting that considered the programmed synchronization of models and perspectives. Subsequently, AngularJS de-accentuated express Record Item Model (DOM) control fully intent on further developing testability and execution.

AngularJS’s plan objectives included:

to decouple DOM control from application rationale. The trouble of this is emphatically impacted by how the code is organized.
to decouple the client side of an application from the server-side. This permits improvement work to advance in equal and considers reuse of the two sides.
to give construction to the excursion of building an application: from planning the UI, through composing the business rationale, to testing.
AngularJS carried out the MVC example to isolate show, information, and rationale parts. Utilizing reliance infusion, Precise brought customarily server-side administrations, like view-subordinate regulators, to client-side web applications. Subsequently, a large part of the weight on the server could be diminished.


The errand performed by the AngularJS bootstrapper happened in three stages after the DOM has been stacked:

Production of another Injector
Arrangement of the orders that improve the DOM
Connecting of all orders to scope
AngularJS orders permitted the engineer to determine custom and reusable HTML-like components and qualities that characterize information ties and the way of behaving of show parts. The absolute most ordinarily utilized mandates were:

A module offers help for JavaScript, CSS3 progress and CSS3 keyframe liveliness snares inside existing center and custom orders.
Since ng-* credits are not substantial in HTML determinations, information ng-* can likewise be utilized as a prefix. For instance, both ng-application and information ng-application are legitimate in AngularJS.

Pronounces the root component of an AngularJS application, under which mandates can be utilized to proclaim ties and characterize conduct.
A module for openness backing of normal ARIA credits.
Sets the text of a DOM component to the worth of an articulation. For instance, shows the worth of ‘name’ inside the range component. Any change to the variable ‘name’ in the application’s extension reflect in a flash in the DOM.
Restrictively apply a class, contingent upon the worth of a boolean articulation.
Determines a JavaScript regulator class that assesses HTML articulations.
Essential assuming explanation mandate that launches the accompanying component assuming the circumstances are valid. At the point when the condition is bogus, the component is taken out from the DOM. At the point when valid, a clone of the gathered component is re-embedded.
Called once when the component is introduced.
Like ng-tie, yet lays out a two-way information restricting between the view and the degree.
Gives tuning to how model updates are finished.
Start up a component once per thing from an assortment.
ng-show and ng-stow away
Restrictively show or conceal a component, contingent upon the worth of a boolean articulation. Show and stow away is accomplished by setting the CSS show style.
Restrictively launch one format from a bunch of decisions, contingent upon the worth of a determination articulation.
The base order answerable for dealing with courses that settle JSON prior to delivering layouts driven by determined regulators.

Case Study on Angular Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

Sure! Let’s consider a case study on angular chemical bonding and molecular structure.

Case Study: Water (H2O)

Water (H2O) is a well-known compound that exhibits angular molecular structure and involves covalent bonding. It serves as an excellent example to understand the concepts of angular bonding and molecular structure.

Chemical Bonding in Water: Water consists of two hydrogen (H) atoms and one oxygen (O) atom. The O-H bonds in water are covalent bonds, where electrons are shared between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Oxygen has a higher electronegativity than hydrogen, meaning it attracts electrons more strongly. As a result, oxygen acquires a partial negative charge (δ-) while hydrogen acquires a partial positive charge (δ+), creating a polar covalent bond in water.

Molecular Structure of Water: The molecular structure of water is angular or bent, with a bond angle of approximately 104.5 degrees. This bent shape arises due to the presence of two lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom. These lone pairs repel the bonded electron pairs, causing the O-H bonds to be pushed slightly closer to each other and resulting in the bent shape of the water molecule.

Properties of Water: The angular molecular structure of water gives rise to several unique properties, including:

  1. High boiling and melting points: The hydrogen bonding between water molecules, which is facilitated by the polar covalent bonds and the angular molecular structure, results in strong intermolecular forces. This leads to high boiling and melting points compared to other compounds of similar molecular weight.
  2. High heat capacity: The hydrogen bonding in water allows it to absorb and store a large amount of heat without a significant increase in temperature. This high heat capacity helps regulate Earth’s climate and maintain a stable environment for living organisms.
  3. High surface tension: The hydrogen bonding in water also contributes to its high surface tension, which allows it to form droplets and support small objects on its surface.
  4. Excellent solvent properties: Due to its polar nature, water is an excellent solvent for many ionic and polar compounds. This property is vital for many biological and chemical processes, as it allows for the dissolution, transport, and chemical reactions of various substances.

Conclusion: The case study of water illustrates the significance of understanding angular chemical bonding and molecular structure in explaining the properties and behavior of chemical compounds. The angular molecular structure of water, resulting from the polar covalent bonds and the presence of lone pairs, gives rise to its unique properties, which have numerous applications in various fields, including chemistry, biology, and environmental science.

White paper on Angular Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

Title: Understanding Angular Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure: A White Paper

Introduction: Chemical bonding and molecular structure are fundamental concepts in chemistry that play a crucial role in understanding the behavior and properties of chemical compounds. Angular bonding and molecular structure are particularly important in explaining the properties of molecules with bent or V-shaped geometries. In this white paper, we will explore the concepts of angular chemical bonding and molecular structure in detail, discussing their significance, key principles, and applications in various fields of science and technology.

Significance of Angular Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure: Angular chemical bonding and molecular structure are essential in determining the physical and chemical properties of molecules. The arrangement of atoms and the distribution of electron pairs around the central atom significantly influence the molecular shape and properties of a compound. Angular molecules exhibit unique properties and behaviors due to the presence of lone pairs, polar covalent bonds, and resultant dipole moments. Understanding angular bonding and molecular structure is crucial for comprehending various aspects of chemical reactions, intermolecular forces, solubility, reactivity, and biological processes.

Key Principles of Angular Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure:

  1. Covalent Bonding: Angular molecules often involve covalent bonding, where electrons are shared between atoms to form chemical bonds. Covalent bonds can be polar or nonpolar, depending on the electronegativity difference between the atoms involved. Polar covalent bonds result in the partial charges on atoms, while nonpolar covalent bonds have equal sharing of electrons.
  2. Lone Pairs: Angular molecules may have lone pairs of electrons on the central atom, which affect the molecular shape and properties. Lone pairs repel bonded electron pairs, leading to changes in bond angles and molecular shape.
  3. VSEPR Theory: The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory is a widely used approach to predict the molecular geometry of molecules with angular structure. According to VSEPR theory, electron pairs, whether bonding or lone pairs, repel each other, leading to the arrangement of atoms in space to minimize electron-electron repulsion.
  4. Molecular Polarity: Angular molecules with polar covalent bonds and lone pairs exhibit molecular polarity, resulting in dipole moments. Molecular polarity affects various properties, such as solubility, boiling and melting points, and intermolecular forces.

Applications of Angular Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure:

  1. Material Science: Understanding angular bonding and molecular structure is crucial in designing and synthesizing new materials with desired properties, such as polymers, nanoparticles, and catalysts. The molecular structure and bonding arrangement significantly influence the physical and chemical properties of materials, including their mechanical, electrical, and optical properties.
  2. Environmental Science: Angular molecular structure and bonding play a crucial role in environmental processes, such as chemical reactions in the atmosphere, water chemistry, and biological processes in living organisms. For example, understanding the angular structure of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, is essential in understanding their role in climate change.
  3. Drug Discovery: Molecular structure and bonding play a critical role in drug discovery and development. Understanding the angular structure of drug molecules helps in predicting their pharmacological properties, bioavailability, and mode of action in the human body.
  4. Biochemistry: The molecular structure and bonding of biomolecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates, influence their function, stability, and reactivity in living organisms. Understanding the angular bonding and molecular structure of biomolecules is essential in elucidating their structure-function relationships and their roles in biological processes.


In conclusion, angular chemical bonding and molecular structure are fundamental concepts in chemistry that play a crucial role in understanding the properties and behaviors of molecules with bent or V-shaped geometries. The arrangement of atoms and the distribution of electron pairs around the central atom significantly influence the molecular shape and properties of a compound. The key principles of covalent bonding, lone pairs, VSEPR theory, and molecular polarity are essential in predicting and explaining the angular molecular structure.

The applications of angular chemical bonding and molecular structure are diverse and span across various fields of science and technology. These include material science, environmental science, drug discovery, and biochemistry. Understanding angular bonding and molecular structure is crucial in designing and synthesizing new materials, predicting the properties of environmental compounds, developing drugs, and elucidating the structure-function relationships of biomolecules.

Further research in the field of angular chemical bonding and molecular structure can lead to the development of new theoretical models, computational methods, and experimental techniques to better understand and manipulate the properties and behaviors of angular molecules. This knowledge can have wide-ranging implications in various fields, contributing to advancements in technology, medicine, and environmental sustainability.

In conclusion, a deeper understanding of angular chemical bonding and molecular structure is essential for advancing our understanding of the fundamental principles of chemistry and their applications in various fields, paving the way for further scientific discoveries and technological advancements. Further research in this area has the potential to drive innovation and improve our ability to design and manipulate chemical compounds with desired properties for various applications.