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Lowering of vapour pressure

Lowering of vapor pressure refers to the phenomenon in which the vapor pressure of a solvent is reduced when a non-volatile solute is added to it. This occurs due to the formation of intermolecular bonds between the solute and solvent molecules, which reduces the number of solvent molecules available to evaporate and therefore lowers the vapor pressure.

According to Raoult’s law, the vapor pressure of a solution is proportional to the mole fraction of the solvent in the solution. When a non-volatile solute is added to a solvent, the mole fraction of the solvent decreases, causing a corresponding decrease in the vapor pressure. This effect is commonly observed in solutions such as saltwater, where the presence of dissolved salts reduces the vapor pressure of the water.

The lowering of vapor pressure is an important concept in many areas of chemistry, including the study of solutions, colligative properties, and phase equilibria. It has practical applications in fields such as industrial chemistry, where the behavior of solvents and solutions is crucial to many manufacturing processes.

What is Required Lowering of vapour pressure

Required lowering of vapor pressure refers to the amount of vapor pressure reduction that is needed to achieve a particular goal or effect in a given system. This can vary depending on the specific application or context.

For example, in a solution where the solute is added to lower the freezing point of the solvent (known as a freezing point depression), a specific degree of vapor pressure reduction may be necessary to achieve the desired effect. Similarly, in a system where vapor pressure needs to be controlled or minimized, a certain amount of solute may need to be added to achieve the required lowering of vapor pressure.

The required lowering of vapor pressure can be calculated using various equations and models, such as Raoult’s law, which describes the relationship between vapor pressure and the mole fraction of solute and solvent in a solution. Understanding the required lowering of vapor pressure is important in many areas of chemistry, including materials science, chemical engineering, and environmental science, where the behavior of solutions and solvents is critical to the performance of various processes and systems.

When is Required Lowering of vapour pressure

“Required lowering of vapor pressure” is a concept that is applicable in various situations where the vapor pressure of a solvent needs to be reduced to achieve a specific goal or effect. For example, it can be relevant in:

  1. Freezing point depression: In a solution, adding a non-volatile solute to the solvent lowers the freezing point of the solution. To achieve the desired freezing point depression, a specific degree of vapor pressure reduction may be required.
  2. Boiling point elevation: Similarly, adding a solute to the solvent can increase the boiling point of the solution. To achieve the desired boiling point elevation, a specific amount of vapor pressure reduction may be necessary.
  3. Environmental applications: In environmental science, vapor pressure reduction can be used to control the evaporation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere. In this case, the required lowering of vapor pressure would depend on the specific VOC and environmental conditions.
  4. Industrial applications: In chemical engineering, vapor pressure reduction can be used to control the behavior of solvents and solutions in various manufacturing processes. The required lowering of vapor pressure would depend on the specific process and desired outcome.

In summary, the concept of required lowering of vapor pressure is relevant in various contexts where the reduction of the vapor pressure of a solvent is necessary to achieve a specific goal or effect.

Nomenclature of Lowering of vapour pressure

The nomenclature of lowering of vapor pressure is fairly straightforward and involves the use of terms such as:

  1. Vapor pressure: The pressure exerted by a gas in equilibrium with its condensed phase (liquid or solid).
  2. Solute: A substance that is dissolved in a solvent to form a solution.
  3. Solvent: A substance in which a solute is dissolved to form a solution.
  4. Mole fraction: The ratio of the number of moles of a component in a mixture to the total number of moles of all components in the mixture.
  5. Raoult’s law: A law stating that the vapor pressure of a solution is proportional to the mole fraction of the solvent in the solution.
  6. Freezing point depression: A phenomenon where the freezing point of a solvent is lowered by the addition of a non-volatile solute.
  7. Henry’s law: A law stating that the concentration of a gas in a liquid is proportional to its partial pressure in the gas phase.
  8. ΔP: The change in vapor pressure due to the presence of a solute in the solvent.
  9. Psolv: The vapor pressure of the pure solvent.
  10. Xsolv: The mole fraction of the solvent in the solution.
  11. Kf: The freezing point depression constant of the solvent.

Understanding and using these terms is important for a proper understanding of the concept of lowering of vapor pressure and its applications in various fields of chemistry.

Where is Required Lowering of vapour pressure

“Required lowering of vapor pressure” is not a physical location, but rather a scientific concept that is relevant in various contexts in the field of chemistry. It refers to the amount of reduction in the vapor pressure of a solvent that is necessary to achieve a specific goal or effect in a given system. This concept can be applied in different locations, such as in a laboratory, industrial plant, or environmental site, depending on the specific context where it is needed. The required lowering of vapor pressure is calculated using various equations and models, such as Raoult’s law, which describes the relationship between vapor pressure and the mole fraction of solute and solvent in a solution. Therefore, the location of where the required lowering of vapor pressure is applied will depend on the specific situation and application in which it is needed.

How is Required Lowering of vapour pressure

“Required lowering of vapor pressure” is the amount of vapor pressure reduction that is necessary to achieve a specific goal or effect in a given system. The exact calculation of the required lowering of vapor pressure can vary depending on the specific application or context. However, it can generally be calculated using equations and models that describe the relationship between the vapor pressure of a solution and the mole fraction of solute and solvent in the solution.

One common model used to calculate the required lowering of vapor pressure is Raoult’s law, which states that the vapor pressure of a solution is proportional to the mole fraction of the solvent in the solution. Therefore, adding a non-volatile solute to a solvent will decrease the mole fraction of the solvent and subsequently lower the vapor pressure of the solution. The degree of vapor pressure reduction can be calculated using the following equation:

ΔP = Xsolv × Psolv × (1 – Xsolv) × Kf

where ΔP is the change in vapor pressure, Xsolv is the mole fraction of the solvent, Psolv is the vapor pressure of the pure solvent, and Kf is the freezing point depression constant of the solvent. The value of Kf is dependent on the solvent and can be obtained from reference tables.

In summary, the required lowering of vapor pressure can be calculated using various equations and models, including Raoult’s law, to determine the degree of vapor pressure reduction necessary to achieve a specific effect or goal in a given system.

Case Study on Lowering of vapour pressure

One case study that illustrates the concept of lowering of vapor pressure is the use of antifreeze in automobile engines. Antifreeze is a solution that is added to the engine coolant to lower the freezing point and prevent the engine from overheating. In addition to these benefits, antifreeze also serves to lower the vapor pressure of the coolant.

The vapor pressure of the coolant is important because it affects the pressure within the cooling system. If the vapor pressure of the coolant is too high, it can cause the coolant to boil and evaporate, leading to decreased cooling efficiency and potential damage to the engine. Therefore, lowering the vapor pressure of the coolant can help to maintain the pressure within the system and prevent these problems.

The required lowering of vapor pressure in the antifreeze solution can be calculated using Raoult’s law. The antifreeze solution typically contains ethylene glycol as the main solute and water as the solvent. The addition of ethylene glycol to water lowers the freezing point of the solution and also lowers the vapor pressure of the coolant. The degree of vapor pressure reduction can be calculated using the following equation:

ΔP = Xglycol × Pglycol × (1 – Xglycol) × Kf

where ΔP is the change in vapor pressure, Xglycol is the mole fraction of ethylene glycol in the solution, Pglycol is the vapor pressure of pure ethylene glycol, and Kf is the freezing point depression constant of water.

By adding the appropriate amount of antifreeze to the engine coolant, the required lowering of vapor pressure can be achieved to maintain the pressure within the cooling system and prevent overheating and damage to the engine. This case study illustrates the importance of understanding the required lowering of vapor pressure in order to achieve the desired outcomes in various applications.

White paper on Lowering of vapour pressure


The lowering of vapor pressure is a critical concept in the field of chemistry that has applications in various fields, including industrial, environmental, and laboratory settings. This paper aims to provide an overview of the concept of lowering of vapor pressure, including its definition, importance, and methods of calculation.


Vapor pressure is the pressure exerted by a gas in equilibrium with its condensed phase (liquid or solid). The vapor pressure of a liquid is a measure of its tendency to evaporate into the gas phase. When a non-volatile solute is added to a solvent, the vapor pressure of the solution is lower than the vapor pressure of the pure solvent. This phenomenon is known as the lowering of vapor pressure.


The lowering of vapor pressure is an important concept in various fields of chemistry. In industrial applications, it is used to determine the concentration of a solute in a solution, such as in the production of pharmaceuticals or chemicals. It is also important in the food industry, where it is used to determine the shelf life of food products by measuring their vapor pressure. In environmental applications, the lowering of vapor pressure is used to understand the behavior of pollutants in air and water.

Methods of Calculation:

The degree of lowering of vapor pressure can be calculated using various equations and models. One common model is Raoult’s law, which states that the vapor pressure of a solution is proportional to the mole fraction of the solvent in the solution. Therefore, the degree of vapor pressure reduction can be calculated using the following equation:

ΔP = Xsolv × Psolv × (1 – Xsolv) × Kf

where ΔP is the change in vapor pressure, Xsolv is the mole fraction of the solvent, Psolv is the vapor pressure of the pure solvent, and Kf is the freezing point depression constant of the solvent. The value of Kf is dependent on the solvent and can be obtained from reference tables.

Another model that can be used to calculate the lowering of vapor pressure is Henry’s law, which relates the concentration of a gas in a liquid to its partial pressure in the gas phase. This law is often used to determine the concentration of volatile organic compounds in water and air.


The lowering of vapor pressure is a critical concept in the field of chemistry that has applications in various fields. It is important in industrial, environmental, and laboratory settings to determine the concentration of solutes in solutions, the shelf life of food products, and the behavior of pollutants in air and water. The degree of lowering of vapor pressure can be calculated using various models and equations, including Raoult’s law and Henry’s law.