Intense training is an Indian Hindi-language Show web series composed by Manish Hariprasad and Raina Roy, coordinated by Vijay Maurya and delivered by Owlet Movies. Featuring Annu Kapoor, Udit Arora, Anvesha Vij, Anushka Kaushik, Bhanu Uday, Hetal Gada, Hridhu Haroon, Pranay Pachauri and others, the web series was delivered on Amazon Prime Video on 5 August 2022.
The series describes about a gathering of understudies amidst arrangements for cutthroat tests to satisfy their parent’s assumptions are impacted when two opponent training organizations of Kota (Rajasthan) – the Ratanraj Jindal and Arvind Batra-drove focuses are taken part in a power struggle.
Annu Kapoor as Ratanraj Jindal
Siddharth Kak as Arvind Batra
Bhanu Uday as Shashank Batra
Chirag Vohra as Mayank Batra
Bidita Sack as Antara Jaiswal
Hetal Gada as Tejal Patel
Riddhi Kumar as Shanaya Qazi
Deepak Dutta as Home Pastor
Udit Arora as Binny Agarwal
Pranay Pachauri as Ashutosh Kumar/AK
Anushka Kaushik as Vidhi Gupta
Hridhu Haroon as Sathya Srinivasan
Mohit Solanki as Anil Baid
Bhavesh Balchandani as Aviral Bharti
Aryan Singh as Rakesh Gulia
Anvesha Vij as Nikki Kapoor
Gaurav Sharma as Dheeraj Khandelwal/KD
Vasuki as Vidya Nair
Devas Dixit as Mahender
Compressed lesson was delivered on Amazon Prime Video in India and overall on August 5, 2022.
The greater part of the pundits found Compressed lesson as a side project form of Netflix series Kota Manufacturing plant. Archika Khurana for The Hours of India rate 3/5 stars and composed “‘Brief training’ has the same old thing to propose concerning bits of knowledge. One thing that stays steady all through the show, while possibly not more, is that you will miss Kota Industrial facility’s Jeetu Bhaiya and his expressions of wisdom…” Prateek Sur for Standpoint evaluated 2.5/5 stars and composed “‘Intensive lesson’ is a hard-hitting and sensible perspective on the present schooling system. Its heart is perfectly positioned, in any case, the messy composing kills the fun.” Ruchi Kaushal for Hindustan Times stated “Compressed lesson remains a long way from Kota Plant in authenticity yet assumes praise for tending to understudy suicides, parental strain, the interruptions they face away from home, love points, high school pregnancy and even drugs.” Deepa Gehlot for expressed “There was the same old thing to add to the story of ravenous training classes, pushy guardians and weak understudies. In this manner the Amazon Prime Video series Compressed lesson, coordinated by entertainer essayist Vijay Maurya from a content by Manish Hariprasad and Raina Roy, tracks natural ground.” Pratikshya Mishra for The Quint stated “Dissimilar to Kota Processing plant, the show is more holding while it’s zeroing in on the business and the governmental issues of training, particularly living through Udit Arora as Binny, the ‘genuine top dog’ of Kota”. Namrata Thakker for stated “The series has 10 episodes with a runtime of 50-odd minutes per episode, and that is excessively. The producers might have crushed the story in seven or eight episodes, making it crisper.” The Pinkvilla shone some light on the web series as Netflix web series Kota Production line and expressed “All things considered, Brief training is a far off family member of Kota Plant, which fabricates some strain in the main episode yet comes up short on curiosity because of a generally famous series in the equivalent space.” Shubham Kulkarni for Koimoi stated, “Composed by Hariprasad and Raina Roy the show moves its concentration from the understudies to the wreck behind the scene and how they just become the blow-back of this distraught chaotic ride of a city.”