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Crash Course NEET PHYSICS SYLLABUS Motion of System of particles and rigid Body

Motion of System of particles and rigid Body

Crash Course NEET Physics Syllabus: Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body

  1. Introduction:
    • Definition of a system of particles and a rigid body.
    • Types of motion: translational, rotational, and combined motion.
  2. Centre of Mass and Linear Momentum:
    • Centre of mass of a system of particles.
    • Centre of mass motion and its properties.
    • Linear momentum of a system of particles.
    • Conservation of linear momentum and its applications.
  3. Laws of Motion for System of Particles:
    • Newton’s second law for a system of particles.
    • Equation of motion for the centre of mass.
    • External forces and internal forces.
    • Motion of the centre of mass under external forces.
  4. Work, Energy, and Power for System of Particles:
    • Work done by a force on a system of particles.
    • Kinetic energy and work-energy theorem.
    • Power and its relation to work and energy.
  5. Rotational Motion and Moment of Inertia:
    • Angular displacement, velocity, and acceleration.
    • Torque and angular momentum.
    • Moment of inertia and its calculation for simple geometries.
    • Parallel and perpendicular axes theorems.
  6. Laws of Motion for Rigid Bodies:
    • Rotational analogue of Newton’s second law.
    • Equations of rotational motion.
    • Conservation of angular momentum and its applications.
  7. Rolling Motion:
    • Rolling motion of a rigid body.
    • Relationship between linear and angular quantities in rolling motion.
    • Torque and energy considerations in rolling motion.
  8. Angular Momentum and its Conservation:
    • Angular momentum of a system of particles.
    • Conservation of angular momentum and its applications.
  9. System of Particles and Rigid Body Collisions:
    • Elastic and inelastic collisions of system of particles.
    • Coefficient of restitution.
    • Collision in one and two dimensions.
  10. Gravitation:
    • Universal law of gravitation.
    • Gravitational field and potential.
    • Escape velocity and orbital velocity.
  11. Fluid Mechanics:
    • Archimedes’ principle and buoyancy.
    • Pascal’s law and hydraulic machines.
    • Bernoulli’s principle and its applications.
  12. Elasticity:
    • Stress and strain.
    • Hooke’s law and Young’s modulus.
    • Elastic potential energy and its applications.

This is a brief overview of the topics covered in the NEET Physics syllabus for Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body. It is important to delve deeper into each topic, understand the underlying concepts, and practice solving numerical problems to prepare effectively for the NEET examination.

What is Required NEET PHYSICS SYLLABUS Motion of System of particles and rigid Body

The required NEET Physics syllabus for Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body includes the following topics:

  1. Centre of Mass
    • Centre of mass of a two-particle system.
    • Centre of mass of a rigid body.
    • Centre of mass of a uniform rod.
    • Centre of mass of a uniform plate.
  2. Linear Momentum and Collisions
    • Linear momentum of a system of particles.
    • Conservation of linear momentum.
    • Elastic and inelastic collisions.
    • Coefficient of restitution.
  3. Laws of Motion for a System of Particles
    • Newton’s second law for a system of particles.
    • External and internal forces.
    • Equation of motion for the centre of mass.
  4. Work, Energy, and Power
    • Work done by a force on a system of particles.
    • Kinetic energy and work-energy theorem.
    • Power and its relation to work and energy.
  5. Rotational Motion and Moment of Inertia
    • Angular displacement, velocity, and acceleration.
    • Torque and moment of inertia.
    • Parallel and perpendicular axes theorems.
    • Calculation of moment of inertia for simple geometries.
  6. Laws of Motion for Rigid Bodies
    • Rotational analogue of Newton’s second law.
    • Equations of rotational motion.
    • Conservation of angular momentum.
  7. Gravitation
    • Universal law of gravitation.
    • Gravitational field and potential.
    • Escape velocity and orbital velocity.
  8. Fluid Mechanics
    • Pascal’s law and hydraulic machines.
    • Archimedes’ principle and buoyancy.
    • Bernoulli’s principle and its applications.

It is important to note that the NEET Physics syllabus may vary slightly from year to year, so it’s always recommended to refer to the official NEET syllabus provided by the conducting authority or the official website for the most updated and accurate information.

How is Required NEET PHYSICS SYLLABUS Motion of System of particles and rigid Body

The motion of a system of particles and rigid body involves the study of how groups of particles or solid objects move under the influence of external forces. This topic is an essential part of classical mechanics and is crucial for understanding the behavior of objects in motion.

Here’s an overview of the key concepts related to the motion of system of particles and rigid body:

  1. Centre of Mass: The center of mass of a system of particles or a rigid body is the point that behaves as if the entire mass of the system is concentrated at that point. The motion of the system can be described in terms of the motion of its center of mass.
  2. Linear Momentum: Linear momentum is the product of the mass and velocity of an object. In the case of a system of particles, the total linear momentum is the vector sum of the individual momenta of all the particles. According to Newton’s second law, the rate of change of linear momentum of a system is equal to the net external force acting on it.
  3. Laws of Motion for System of Particles: The laws of motion, as formulated by Sir Isaac Newton, apply to a system of particles as well. The net external force acting on a system of particles causes an acceleration of the center of mass. The motion of the center of mass can be described by applying Newton’s laws to the system.
  4. Rotational Motion and Moment of Inertia: Rotational motion involves the motion of a rigid body around an axis. It is described in terms of angular displacement, angular velocity, and angular acceleration. The rotational motion of a rigid body is governed by Newton’s laws of motion and torque. The moment of inertia of a rigid body determines its resistance to rotational motion and depends on the distribution of mass within the body.
  5. Conservation Laws: In the absence of external forces or torques, certain quantities are conserved during the motion of a system of particles or a rigid body. These include the conservation of linear momentum and the conservation of angular momentum. These conservation laws have practical applications and help analyze various physical phenomena.

Understanding the motion of a system of particles and rigid body involves applying the principles of mechanics, such as Newton’s laws, conservation laws, and concepts like center of mass and moment of inertia. By studying this topic, we can analyze the behavior of complex systems and predict their motion under different conditions.

Case Study on NEET PHYSICS SYLLABUS Motion of System of particles and rigid Body

Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body in a Collision

Let’s consider a case study to illustrate the application of the motion of a system of particles and rigid body in a collision scenario.

Scenario: A billiard ball (A) moving with a velocity of 4 m/s in the east direction collides with another stationary billiard ball (B) of the same mass. The collision is perfectly elastic, meaning that the total kinetic energy of the system is conserved during the collision. We need to analyze the motion of the system after the collision.


  1. Analyzing the Initial State:
  • Ball A has a velocity of 4 m/s in the east direction.
  • Ball B is stationary.
  1. Conservation of Linear Momentum: Since there are no external forces acting on the system during the collision, the total linear momentum of the system before and after the collision remains constant.

Initial momentum = Final momentum

(mass of A) * (velocity of A) + (mass of B) * (velocity of B) = (mass of A) * (final velocity of A) + (mass of B) * (final velocity of B)

(mass of A) * (velocity of A) = (mass of A) * (final velocity of A) + (mass of B) * (final velocity of B)

(mass of A) * (4 m/s) = (mass of A) * (final velocity of A) + (mass of B) * (final velocity of B)

  1. Elastic Collision: In an elastic collision, both linear momentum and kinetic energy are conserved.
  2. Conservation of Kinetic Energy: The total kinetic energy before the collision is equal to the total kinetic energy after the collision.

(1/2) * (mass of A) * (velocity of A)^2 + (1/2) * (mass of B) * (velocity of B)^2 = (1/2) * (mass of A) * (final velocity of A)^2 + (1/2) * (mass of B) * (final velocity of B)^2

(1/2) * (mass of A) * (4 m/s)^2 = (1/2) * (mass of A) * (final velocity of A)^2 + (1/2) * (mass of B) * (final velocity of B)^2

  1. Solving the Equations: We have two equations (momentum conservation and kinetic energy conservation) with two unknowns (final velocity of A and final velocity of B). By solving these equations simultaneously, we can determine the final velocities of the balls after the collision.
  2. Analyzing the Result: The final velocities of balls A and B obtained from solving the equations will give us insights into their motion after the collision. The directions and magnitudes of their velocities will determine the subsequent paths they take.

By applying the principles of conservation of linear momentum and conservation of kinetic energy, we can effectively analyze and predict the motion of a system of particles (the billiard balls in this case) and a rigid body (each ball considered individually) during a collision.

Note: The actual calculations and numerical values would depend on the specific masses and velocities of the billiard balls involved in the collision.

White paper on NEET PHYSICS SYLLABUS Motion of System of particles and rigid Body

Understanding the Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body: Principles, Analysis, and Applications

This white paper provides a comprehensive overview of the motion of system of particles and rigid body, exploring the fundamental principles, analysis techniques, and practical applications in various scenarios. By delving into the concepts of center of mass, linear momentum, laws of motion, rotational motion, and conservation laws, this paper aims to enhance the understanding of this crucial topic in classical mechanics. Furthermore, a range of practical examples and case studies are examined to highlight the real-world significance of studying the motion of system of particles and rigid body.

1.1 Background and Significance
1.2 Objectives of the White Paper

Center of Mass and Linear Momentum
2.1 Definition and Properties of Center of Mass
2.2 Calculation Methods for Center of Mass
2.3 Linear Momentum and its Conservation
2.4 Application Examples

Laws of Motion for System of Particles
3.1 Newton’s Laws of Motion
3.2 Motion of Center of Mass
3.3 External and Internal Forces
3.4 Examples and Illustrations

Work, Energy, and Power for System of Particles
4.1 Work Done by External Forces
4.2 Kinetic Energy and Work-Energy Theorem
4.3 Power and its Relation to Work and Energy
4.4 Real-world Applications

Rotational Motion and Moment of Inertia
5.1 Angular Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration
5.2 Torque and Angular Momentum
5.3 Moment of Inertia and Calculation Methods
5.4 Parallel and Perpendicular Axes Theorems
5.5 Examples and Analysis

Laws of Motion for Rigid Bodies
6.1 Rotational Analogues of Newton’s Laws
6.2 Equations of Rotational Motion
6.3 Conservation of Angular Momentum
6.4 Practical Applications

System of Particles and Rigid Body Collisions
7.1 Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
7.2 Coefficient of Restitution
7.3 Collision Analysis in One and Two Dimensions
7.4 Case Studies

8.1 Universal Law of Gravitation
8.2 Gravitational Field and Potential
8.3 Escape Velocity and Orbital Velocity
8.4 Astrophysical Applications

Fluid Mechanics
9.1 Archimedes’ Principle and Buoyancy
9.2 Pascal’s Law and Hydraulic Machines
9.3 Bernoulli’s Principle and Applications
9.4 Fluid Dynamics Examples

10.1 Stress and Strain
10.2 Hooke’s Law and Young’s Modulus
10.3 Elastic Potential Energy
10.4 Engineering Applications

11.1 Summary of Key Concepts
11.2 Practical Importance and Applications
11.3 Future Developments and Research Opportunities

By exploring the concepts, principles, and applications related to the motion of system of particles and rigid body, this white paper serves as a valuable resource for students, educators, and researchers in the field of physics and engineering. The comprehensive understanding of this topic can enhance problem-solving skills and enable the analysis of complex systems and their motion in real-world scenarios.

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