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Octahedral refers to a shape or configuration that is similar to an octahedron, which is a geometric shape with eight faces that are equilateral triangles. In chemistry, octahedral typically refers to the shape of molecules or complexes that have six atoms or ligands arranged around a central atom in a symmetrical manner.

For example, an octahedral molecule of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) has six fluorine atoms arranged symmetrically around a central sulfur atom, with each bond angle measuring 90 degrees. Octahedral complexes are also common in coordination chemistry, where a central metal ion is surrounded by six ligands, typically arranged in an octahedral shape. The octahedral shape is important in many applications, such as in crystal structures, catalysis, and biomolecules.

What is Required Coordination Compounds Octahedral

In order to form an octahedral coordination compound, a central metal ion must have six ligands arranged around it in a symmetrical manner. The coordination number of the metal ion must be six. The ligands can be any molecule or ion that has a lone pair of electrons that can be donated to the metal ion to form a coordinate bond.

The geometry of the octahedral complex is determined by the arrangement of the six ligands around the central metal ion. The most common arrangement is a regular octahedron, where the six ligands are arranged at the vertices of an imaginary octahedron. In a regular octahedron, the bond angles between adjacent ligands are all 90 degrees.

In addition, the ligands in an octahedral complex can either be all the same or different. If all the ligands are the same, the complex is considered a homoleptic complex. If the ligands are different, the complex is considered a heteroleptic complex.

When is Required Coordination Compounds Octahedral

Octahedral coordination compounds are required when a central metal ion needs to bond with six ligands in a symmetrical manner, resulting in an octahedral geometry. This can occur in various chemical and biological processes.

For example, octahedral coordination compounds are common in coordination chemistry, where metal ions form complexes with ligands. Some common examples include the complexation of metal ions such as cobalt, iron, and copper with ammonia, water, or halide ions. In biology, many metal-containing proteins, such as hemoglobin, contain metal ions coordinated to six ligands in an octahedral geometry.

Octahedral coordination compounds are also important in many industrial applications, such as catalysis, where the symmetrical arrangement of the ligands around the central metal ion can influence the catalytic activity and selectivity.

Where is Required Coordination Compounds Octahedral

Octahedral coordination compounds can be found in a variety of places, including biological systems, industrial processes, and chemical reactions.

In biological systems, many metal-containing proteins, enzymes, and cofactors contain metal ions coordinated to six ligands in an octahedral geometry. For example, heme in hemoglobin and myoglobin is an iron-containing porphyrin coordinated to six ligands in an octahedral geometry.

In industrial processes, octahedral coordination compounds are important in catalysis, where they can be used as catalysts or as precursors to catalytic materials. For example, some homogeneous catalysts used in chemical synthesis involve transition metal complexes with six coordinated ligands in an octahedral geometry.

In addition, octahedral coordination compounds can be formed in a variety of chemical reactions, such as complexation reactions between metal ions and ligands. These compounds can be isolated and studied in the laboratory, and their properties can be explored for various applications.

How is Required Coordination Compounds Octahedral

Octahedral coordination compounds are formed through a coordination reaction between a central metal ion and six ligands. The process of forming an octahedral coordination compound can be described as follows:

  1. A metal ion with a coordination number of six is selected as the central atom. Common metal ions include cobalt, iron, nickel, copper, and platinum.
  2. Six ligands are selected based on their ability to donate a pair of electrons to the metal ion. Common ligands include water, ammonia, halide ions, and organic compounds such as acetylacetonate.
  3. The ligands coordinate to the metal ion, forming a complex in which the metal ion is at the center of an octahedron and the ligands are arranged symmetrically around it.
  4. The geometry of the complex is determined by the arrangement of the ligands around the metal ion. In an octahedral complex, the six ligands are arranged at the vertices of an imaginary octahedron, with each bond angle measuring 90 degrees.
  5. The stability and properties of the octahedral coordination compound depend on the identity of the metal ion and the ligands, as well as the geometry of the complex. The properties of the compound can be studied using various spectroscopic and analytical techniques.

Production of Coordination Compounds Octahedral

Octahedral coordination compounds can be produced through various synthetic methods, including ligand substitution reactions, precipitation reactions, and oxidation-reduction reactions. Here are some examples of how octahedral coordination compounds can be produced:

  1. Ligand substitution: In this method, an existing octahedral complex is treated with a new ligand that can replace one or more of the original ligands. For example, a complex such as [Co(NH3)6]Cl3 can be treated with a ligand such as pyridine, which can replace one or more of the ammonia ligands to form an octahedral complex with a different ligand set, such as [Co(NH3)5(pyridine)]Cl3.
  2. Precipitation reactions: In this method, two or more solutions containing metal ions and ligands are mixed together, resulting in the formation of a solid precipitate of the coordination compound. For example, mixing solutions of copper sulfate and potassium hexacyanoferrate can lead to the formation of the octahedral coordination compound copper(II) hexacyanoferrate(II).
  3. Oxidation-reduction reactions: In this method, a metal ion in a lower oxidation state is oxidized to a higher oxidation state, resulting in the formation of an octahedral coordination compound with new ligands. For example, treating [Fe(H2O)6]2+ with a strong oxidizing agent such as hydrogen peroxide can lead to the formation of the octahedral coordination compound [Fe(H2O)6]3+.

Overall, the choice of method for producing octahedral coordination compounds will depend on the specific metal ion and ligands being used, as well as the desired properties and application of the compound.

Case Study on Coordination Compounds Octahedral

One example of a coordination compound with an octahedral geometry is cisplatin, a chemotherapy drug used to treat various types of cancer, including testicular, ovarian, and lung cancer. Cisplatin has the chemical formula PtCl2(NH3)2 and contains a platinum (Pt) atom coordinated to two chloride (Cl) ions and two ammonia (NH3) ligands.

Cisplatin works by binding to DNA and interfering with the cell’s ability to divide and replicate, ultimately leading to cell death. The octahedral geometry of cisplatin is important for its biological activity because it allows the complex to interact with the DNA in a specific way. The two chloride ions occupy adjacent sites on the octahedral plane, leaving two vacant sites for the ammonia ligands. The nitrogen atoms in the ammonia ligands can coordinate to the platinum atom in a cis orientation, allowing the platinum to interact with two adjacent guanine bases on the DNA.

The use of cisplatin as a chemotherapy drug has had a significant impact on cancer treatment, and it has been used successfully to treat many patients with various types of cancer. However, it also has some drawbacks, such as side effects such as kidney damage and hearing loss. Researchers are exploring new ways to modify the structure of cisplatin and other coordination compounds with octahedral geometries to improve their efficacy and reduce their side effects.

Overall, the study of coordination compounds with octahedral geometries has important implications for fields such as medicine, catalysis, and materials science, and ongoing research is focused on developing new compounds with tailored properties and applications.

White paper on Coordination Compounds Octahedral


Coordination compounds are molecules that contain a central metal ion surrounded by ligands. The geometry of the coordination compound is determined by the number and arrangement of the ligands around the metal ion. One of the most common geometries for coordination compounds is octahedral, in which the metal ion is coordinated to six ligands arranged at the vertices of an imaginary octahedron. In this white paper, we will discuss the properties and applications of coordination compounds with octahedral geometries.


The octahedral geometry of coordination compounds gives them several unique properties. One important property is their stability, which is determined by the strength and coordination geometry of the metal-ligand bonds. Octahedral coordination compounds are often more stable than other geometries due to the symmetry and coordination number of the ligands.

Another important property of octahedral coordination compounds is their ability to undergo ligand substitution reactions. This means that one or more of the ligands in the complex can be replaced by a different ligand, allowing for the modification of the compound’s properties and applications. For example, the anticancer drug cisplatin is an octahedral coordination compound that contains two chloride ions and two ammonia ligands. When one or more of the ammonia ligands is replaced by a different ligand, the compound’s activity and toxicity can be altered.


Octahedral coordination compounds have a wide range of applications in various fields. One important application is in catalysis, where coordination compounds are used as catalysts for chemical reactions. For example, the homogeneous catalytic oxidation of alcohols can be catalyzed by octahedral coordination compounds such as ruthenium trichloride.

Another important application of octahedral coordination compounds is in materials science, where they are used to create new materials with tailored properties. For example, coordination polymers containing octahedral coordination compounds have been developed with unique optical, magnetic, and electronic properties.

In medicine, octahedral coordination compounds have been used as chemotherapy drugs for cancer treatment. As mentioned earlier, cisplatin is a well-known example of an octahedral coordination compound used to treat various types of cancer. Other examples of octahedral coordination compounds used in medicine include carboplatin and oxaliplatin.


In conclusion, octahedral coordination compounds are an important class of molecules with unique properties and applications in various fields. The stability and ligand substitution properties of octahedral coordination compounds make them useful for catalysis, materials science, and medicine. Ongoing research in the field of coordination chemistry is focused on developing new coordination compounds with tailored properties and applications, which will continue to have a significant impact on many areas of science and technology.