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Physical properties (melting points)

Physical properties such as melting point are characteristic properties of a substance that can be used to identify and distinguish it from other substances.

Melting point is the temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid state at a constant pressure. It is usually measured in degrees Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F). The melting point of a substance is influenced by factors such as the strength and type of intermolecular forces between its molecules, the size and shape of its molecules, and the purity of the substance.

For example, pure water has a melting point of 0°C (32°F), while impure water (such as water containing dissolved minerals or other substances) has a lower melting point. Metals generally have high melting points due to their strong metallic bonds, while molecular substances like organic compounds have lower melting points due to weaker intermolecular forces between their molecules.

Some examples of melting points of common substances include:

  • Water: 0°C (32°F)
  • Iron: 1,535°C (2,795°F)
  • Gold: 1,064°C (1,947°F)
  • Oxygen: -218.79°C (-361.82°F)
  • Carbon dioxide: -78.5°C (-109.3°F)
  • Ethanol: -114.1°C (-173.4°F)

What is Required Alkanes Physical properties (melting points)

Alkanes are a group of hydrocarbons that have only single covalent bonds between carbon atoms and are saturated with hydrogen. The melting points of alkanes increase with increasing molecular weight due to an increase in London dispersion forces.

Here are the melting points of some common straight-chain alkanes:

  • Methane: -182.5°C
  • Ethane: -183.3°C
  • Propane: -187.7°C
  • Butane: -138.4°C
  • Pentane: -129.7°C
  • Hexane: -95°C
  • Heptane: -91.7°C
  • Octane: -56.8°C
  • Nonane: -53°C
  • Decane: -29.7°C

It’s important to note that the melting point of an alkane can vary depending on its structure (i.e. straight chain vs. branched chain), as well as its purity.

When is Required Alkanes Physical properties (melting points)

Knowledge of the physical properties of alkanes, including their melting points, is important in various fields such as chemistry, material science, and engineering.

For example, the melting point of alkanes is important in the purification and separation of these compounds. When a mixture of alkanes is subjected to fractional distillation, the compounds are separated based on their boiling points and melting points. Alkanes with higher melting points require higher temperatures to melt and thus tend to remain solid at lower temperatures, making them easier to separate from liquids that have lower melting points.

In addition, the melting point of alkanes can also be used to determine their purity. Impurities in a sample can lower the melting point and broaden the melting range of the compound. By comparing the measured melting point of a sample to the known melting point of the pure compound, one can determine the purity of the sample.

The melting point of alkanes is also important in understanding their behavior in various applications. For example, the melting point of hydrocarbons is important in the design and operation of processes in the oil and gas industry, such as crude oil refining and petrochemical manufacturing. In addition, the melting point of alkanes can also affect their performance in applications such as lubricants, waxes, and plastics.

Where is Required Alkanes Physical properties (melting points)

The physical properties of alkanes, including their melting points, can be found in various reference materials such as textbooks, scientific journals, and online databases.

One commonly used resource for chemical and physical data is the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. This reference book contains a wealth of information on the properties of various compounds, including alkanes.

Online databases such as PubChem, ChemSpider, and NIST Chemistry WebBook also provide information on the physical properties of alkanes, including melting points. These databases are useful for researchers, scientists, and students who need to access and compare data on different compounds.

In addition, individual chemical suppliers and manufacturers may provide information on the physical properties of specific alkanes that they produce or sell. This information is typically available on the supplier’s website or product datasheet.

Overall, there are many sources of information on the physical properties of alkanes, and the choice of resource will depend on the specific needs of the user.

How is Required Alkanes Physical properties (melting points)

The physical property of melting point is determined by heating a sample of the alkane until it changes from a solid to a liquid state at a constant pressure. The temperature at which this occurs is the melting point of the alkane.

The measurement of melting point typically involves using a melting point apparatus, which consists of a heating block, a thermometer, and a capillary tube containing the sample. The capillary tube is inserted into the melting point apparatus and heated at a controlled rate while the temperature is monitored. When the alkane begins to melt, the temperature is recorded as the melting point.

It’s important to note that the accuracy of the melting point measurement depends on the purity of the sample. Impurities in the sample can lower the melting point and broaden the melting range, making it difficult to obtain an accurate measurement. To ensure accurate measurements, it’s important to use high-purity samples and to calibrate the melting point apparatus regularly.

Nomenclature of Alkanes Physical properties (melting points)

The nomenclature of alkanes refers to the systematic naming of these compounds according to a set of rules established by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The naming system is based on the number of carbon atoms in the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms in the molecule.

The melting points of alkanes increase with increasing molecular weight due to an increase in London dispersion forces. Therefore, the melting points of alkanes generally follow a trend where the melting point increases with increasing number of carbon atoms in the molecule.

Here are some examples of the systematic names and melting points of straight-chain alkanes:

  • Methane (CH4): -182.5°C
  • Ethane (C2H6): -183.3°C
  • Propane (C3H8): -187.7°C
  • Butane (C4H10): -138.4°C
  • Pentane (C5H12): -129.7°C
  • Hexane (C6H14): -95°C
  • Heptane (C7H16): -91.7°C
  • Octane (C8H18): -56.8°C
  • Nonane (C9H20): -53°C
  • Decane (C10H22): -29.7°C

The IUPAC nomenclature system provides a standard way to name alkanes and other organic compounds, which is useful for communication and documentation in chemistry and related fields. The melting point is an important physical property of alkanes that can be used to identify and distinguish between different compounds.

Case Study on Alkanes Physical properties (melting points)

One example of a case study on the physical properties of alkanes and their melting points involves the purification and separation of crude oil.

Crude oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, including alkanes, that are separated and purified in a refinery to produce various products such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. One of the primary methods used to separate the different components of crude oil is fractional distillation, which is based on differences in boiling points and melting points.

During fractional distillation, crude oil is heated and vaporized in a column with multiple stages, each at a slightly different temperature. As the vapors rise through the column, the compounds with the lowest boiling points, such as methane and ethane, condense at the top and are collected as gases. The compounds with higher boiling points, such as propane and butane, condense at lower stages in the column and are collected as liquids.

Alkanes with higher melting points tend to remain solid at lower temperatures and can be separated from liquids that have lower melting points. For example, waxes and heavy oils that contain high-melting-point alkanes can be separated from lighter oils and gases during the refining process.

In addition to fractional distillation, the melting point of alkanes can also be used to determine the purity of the compounds in a sample. Impurities in a sample can lower the melting point and broaden the melting range of the compound, indicating that it is not pure.

Overall, the physical properties of alkanes, including their melting points, play a crucial role in the purification and separation of crude oil and the production of various hydrocarbon products.

White paper on Alkanes Physical properties (melting points)


Alkanes are a class of organic compounds that contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms arranged in a linear, branched, or cyclic arrangement. The physical properties of alkanes are determined by the size and shape of their molecules, as well as the intermolecular forces that hold them together. One of the most important physical properties of alkanes is their melting point, which can be used to identify and characterize these compounds.

Melting Points of Alkanes:

The melting points of alkanes generally increase with increasing molecular weight due to an increase in London dispersion forces. The London dispersion force is a weak intermolecular force that arises from the fluctuations in the electron distribution within a molecule. The strength of the London dispersion force increases with the size of the molecule, which leads to an increase in the melting point.

For straight-chain alkanes, the melting points generally follow a trend where the melting point increases with increasing number of carbon atoms in the molecule. For example, the melting point of methane is -182.5°C, while the melting point of ethane is -183.3°C. As the number of carbon atoms in the molecule increases, the melting point increases accordingly. However, there are some exceptions to this trend due to differences in the shape and symmetry of the molecules.

Impurities in a sample can lower the melting point and broaden the melting range of the compound, indicating that it is not pure. Therefore, the melting point of alkanes can be used to determine the purity of the compounds in a sample.

Applications of Alkanes Melting Point:

The melting point of alkanes has several practical applications in various fields. For example, in the petroleum industry, the melting point of alkanes is used to separate and purify crude oil into its various components. During fractional distillation, compounds with different boiling points and melting points are separated based on their physical properties.

The melting point of alkanes can also be used to identify and characterize organic compounds in fields such as chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmacology. By measuring the melting point of a compound, researchers can determine its purity and identify any impurities that may be present. In addition, the melting point can be used to distinguish between different compounds that have similar chemical structures.


The physical property of melting point is an important characteristic of alkanes that is determined by the size and shape of their molecules and the intermolecular forces that hold them together. The melting point of alkanes generally increases with increasing molecular weight due to an increase in London dispersion forces. The melting point of alkanes has several practical applications in fields such as petroleum refining, chemistry, and pharmacology, where it is used to separate and purify compounds and identify their chemical properties.