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Shift of origin

Explain: Shifting of origin, coordinates of the point dividing a line  segment externally

Shifting the origin in analytical geometry involves moving the coordinate system to a new location. This can be done by adding or subtracting a constant value from each coordinate.

Suppose the original coordinate system has an origin at point O(0,0). To shift the origin to a new point P(a,b), we can use the following transformation:

(x, y) → (x – a, y – b)

This transformation subtracts the values of a and b from the x and y coordinates, respectively. As a result, the new coordinates of any point in the new coordinate system will be measured relative to the point P(a,b) rather than the original origin O(0,0).

For example, suppose we want to shift the origin of the coordinate system to point P(2,3). If we have a point Q with coordinates (4, 5) in the original system, its coordinates in the new system will be:

(4-2, 5-3) = (2, 2)

So, the point Q(4,5) in the original system corresponds to the point Q'(2,2) in the shifted system.

What is Required Shift of origin

The required analytical geometry shift of origin depends on the problem at hand and the specific situation. In general, a shift of origin may be required to simplify calculations or to make it easier to describe geometric objects in a new coordinate system.

For example, if we are working with a set of points or objects that are clustered around a particular location in the coordinate plane, it may be useful to shift the origin to that location so that the new coordinate system is centered around the cluster of points. This can make it easier to describe and analyze the distribution of the points or objects.

Another example where a shift of origin may be required is when we are working with equations of geometric objects such as lines, circles, or parabolas. Shifting the origin can simplify the equations and make them easier to work with. For instance, if we have a circle with center at point C(a,b), we can shift the origin to point C and the equation of the circle will become simpler, as it will no longer have a term involving the coordinates of the center.

In summary, the required analytical geometry shift of origin depends on the specific problem at hand and the goals of the analysis. It can be a powerful tool for simplifying calculations and making it easier to describe and analyze geometric objects.

Who is Required Shift of origin

Anyone who works with analytical geometry may find a shift of origin useful in certain situations. This includes mathematicians, physicists, engineers, architects, surveyors, and other professionals who use analytical geometry in their work.

In mathematics, a shift of origin is often used to simplify calculations or to study geometric objects in a different coordinate system. For example, in studying conic sections such as ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas, a shift of origin can make it easier to analyze the properties of these curves and to find their equations.

In physics, a shift of origin is often used to study the behavior of objects in motion. By shifting the origin to a new location, it may be possible to simplify the equations of motion and make it easier to analyze the trajectory of the object.

In engineering and architecture, a shift of origin may be useful in designing structures and layouts. By shifting the origin to a particular location, it may be easier to describe the positioning of objects in a space and to ensure that they are properly aligned.

Overall, a shift of origin is a useful tool in analytical geometry that can simplify calculations, make it easier to study geometric objects, and improve the accuracy and precision of measurements and designs.

When is Required Shift of origin

A shift of origin in analytical geometry is required in situations where it is necessary to simplify calculations or to make it easier to describe and analyze geometric objects. Here are a few specific situations where a shift of origin may be required:

  1. To simplify equations: Shifting the origin to a specific location can simplify equations involving geometric objects such as circles, ellipses, or parabolas. This is because the equations may no longer involve terms involving the coordinates of the center or focus.
  2. To align objects: In engineering or architecture, a shift of origin may be required to properly align objects or structures in a space. By shifting the origin to a specific location, it may be easier to describe the positioning of objects in a space and to ensure that they are properly aligned.
  3. To study the distribution of points: Shifting the origin to a location where a set of points is clustered can make it easier to study the distribution of the points and to analyze their properties. This can be useful in data analysis, statistics, and other fields where point distributions are important.
  4. To analyze motion: In physics, a shift of origin may be required to analyze the motion of objects. By shifting the origin to a new location, it may be possible to simplify the equations of motion and make it easier to analyze the trajectory of the object.

In general, a shift of origin is required whenever it can simplify calculations, improve the accuracy and precision of measurements and designs, or make it easier to analyze and understand geometric objects or systems.

Where is Required Shift of origin

A shift of origin in analytical geometry can be done anywhere in the coordinate plane. The location of the new origin depends on the specific problem at hand and the goals of the analysis.

For example, if we are working with a set of points that are clustered around a particular location in the coordinate plane, we may want to shift the origin to that location so that the new coordinate system is centered around the cluster of points.

Similarly, if we are working with a circle, ellipse, or parabola, we may want to shift the origin to the center or focus of the curve to simplify the equations and make it easier to analyze the properties of the curve.

In engineering or architecture, a shift of origin may be done to properly align objects or structures in a space. By shifting the origin to a specific location, it may be easier to describe the positioning of objects in a space and to ensure that they are properly aligned.

In general, the location of the new origin should be chosen to simplify calculations, improve the accuracy and precision of measurements and designs, or make it easier to analyze and understand geometric objects or systems. The choice of the location of the new origin depends on the specific problem at hand and the goals of the analysis.

How is Required Shift of origin

To perform a shift of origin in analytical geometry, we need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose the new location for the origin: The new origin should be chosen to simplify calculations or to make it easier to analyze and understand geometric objects. The location of the new origin depends on the specific problem at hand and the goals of the analysis.
  2. Calculate the coordinates of the new origin: Once the new location for the origin has been chosen, we need to calculate its coordinates in terms of the old coordinate system. This can be done using basic algebraic operations, such as addition and subtraction of coordinates.
  3. Shift the coordinates of the objects: To shift the coordinates of objects such as points, lines, circles, or other geometric objects, we need to subtract the coordinates of the new origin from the coordinates of the object in the old coordinate system. This will give us the coordinates of the object in the new coordinate system.
  4. Recalculate the equations: Once the coordinates of the objects have been shifted, we need to recalculate the equations of geometric objects such as lines, circles, or parabolas in terms of the new coordinate system. This may involve simplifying the equations by eliminating terms involving the coordinates of the old origin.

By following these steps, we can perform a shift of origin in analytical geometry to simplify calculations, improve the accuracy and precision of measurements and designs, or make it easier to analyze and understand geometric objects or systems.

Case Study on Shift of origin

Let’s consider an example case study to illustrate the use of a shift of origin in analytical geometry:

Case Study: Designing a Building Layout

Suppose we are designing the layout of a building on a rectangular lot that measures 100 meters by 80 meters. The lot is located at the origin of the coordinate system, with the x-axis running parallel to the shorter side of the lot and the y-axis running parallel to the longer side of the lot. We need to design the layout of the building such that it is centered on the lot and has equal setback distances on all sides.

To simplify the design process, we can perform a shift of origin by choosing a new location for the origin that is the center of the lot. We can calculate the coordinates of the new origin as follows:

New origin = (50, 40)

Next, we can shift the coordinates of the lot boundaries by subtracting the coordinates of the new origin from the original coordinates:

New x-axis boundaries: (-50, 0) and (50, 0) New y-axis boundaries: (0, -40) and (0, 40)

Now that we have shifted the origin and the coordinates of the lot boundaries, we can design the layout of the building such that it is centered on the new origin and has equal setback distances on all sides. For example, we can design a building that measures 60 meters by 40 meters, with a setback of 20 meters on all sides. The coordinates of the building in the new coordinate system are:

Bottom left corner: (-10, -20) Bottom right corner: (10, -20) Top left corner: (-10, 20) Top right corner: (10, 20)

To convert these coordinates back to the original coordinate system, we can simply add the coordinates of the new origin to each coordinate. For example, the bottom left corner of the building in the original coordinate system is:

(-10, -20) + (50, 40) = (40, 20)

In this way, we have used a shift of origin in analytical geometry to simplify the design process and ensure that the building layout is centered on the lot and has equal setback distances on all sides.

White paper on Shift of origin


Analytical geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of geometric objects using algebraic techniques. The study of analytical geometry involves working with various geometric objects such as points, lines, circles, and curves, and analyzing their properties and relationships using algebraic equations. One of the most important techniques used in analytical geometry is the shift of origin, which involves moving the origin of a coordinate system to a new location. This white paper will discuss the analytical geometry shift of origin in detail, its purpose, applications, and how it can simplify the analysis of geometric objects.

Purpose of the Analytical Geometry Shift of Origin:

The purpose of the shift of origin in analytical geometry is to simplify the analysis of geometric objects by changing the location of the origin of a coordinate system. Shifting the origin to a new location can make it easier to describe the positioning of objects in a space and to simplify the equations that describe the geometric objects. The new origin can be chosen in a way that simplifies calculations, improves the accuracy and precision of measurements and designs, or makes it easier to analyze and understand geometric objects or systems.

Applications of the Analytical Geometry Shift of Origin:

The shift of origin in analytical geometry has numerous applications in various fields such as engineering, architecture, physics, and computer graphics. Some of the applications of the shift of origin are discussed below:

  1. Centering geometric objects: The shift of origin is commonly used to center geometric objects, such as circles, ellipses, and parabolas, by moving the origin to the center or focus of the object. This simplifies the equations that describe the object and makes it easier to analyze its properties.
  2. Aligning objects or structures: In engineering or architecture, a shift of origin may be used to properly align objects or structures in a space. By shifting the origin to a specific location, it may be easier to describe the positioning of objects in a space and to ensure that they are properly aligned.
  3. Simplifying calculations: The shift of origin can be used to simplify calculations involving geometric objects. For example, if a set of points is clustered around a particular location in the coordinate plane, we may want to shift the origin to that location so that the new coordinate system is centered around the cluster of points. This can simplify calculations involving distances, angles, and other geometric properties.
  4. Transforming geometric objects: The shift of origin can also be used to transform geometric objects, such as rotating or scaling them. This involves choosing a new origin and then applying the appropriate transformations to the coordinates of the geometric object.

Method of the Analytical Geometry Shift of Origin:

To perform a shift of origin in analytical geometry, we need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose the new location for the origin: The new origin should be chosen to simplify calculations or to make it easier to analyze and understand geometric objects. The location of the new origin depends on the specific problem at hand and the goals of the analysis.
  2. Calculate the coordinates of the new origin: Once the new location for the origin has been chosen, we need to calculate its coordinates in terms of the old coordinate system. This can be done using basic algebraic operations, such as addition and subtraction of coordinates.
  3. Shift the coordinates of the objects: To shift the coordinates of objects such as points, lines, circles, or other geometric objects, we need to subtract the coordinates of the new origin from the coordinates of the object in the old coordinate system. This will give us the coordinates of the object in the new coordinate system.
  4. Recalculate the equations: Once the coordinates of the objects have been shifted, we need to recalculate the equations of geometric objects such as lines, circles, or parabolas in terms of the new coordinate system. This may involve simplifying the equations or using different forms of equations depending on the specific problem.

For example, let’s say we want to shift the origin from point A (2,3) to point B (5,7) in the xy-plane. The steps involved in this process are:

To shift the origin from point A to point B in the xy-plane, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Find the vector from point A to point B by subtracting the coordinates of point A from those of point B. This vector represents the displacement between the two points. (5-2, 7-3) = (3,4)
  2. Add this vector to the coordinates of any point in the original plane to obtain the coordinates of the corresponding point in the new plane. This will shift the origin from point A to point B.For example, let’s say we have a point C (1,1) in the original plane. To find its new coordinates in the shifted plane, we add the displacement vector (3,4) to its coordinates: (1,1) + (3,4) = (4,5)So, the new coordinates of point C in the shifted plane are (4,5).Alternatively, we can define a new coordinate system with the origin at point B and the axes parallel to those of the original system. In this new system, the coordinates of any point can be obtained by subtracting the coordinates of point B from those of the point in the original system. For example, the coordinates of point C in the new system would be:(1,1) – (5,7) = (-4,-6)So, the new coordinates of point C in the shifted plane using this method are (-4,-6).


In Analytical Geometry, shifting the origin of a coordinate system involves moving the entire system by a fixed displacement vector. This can be done to simplify calculations or to make certain geometric properties more apparent.

To shift the origin from point A to point B in the xy-plane, we need to find the displacement vector between the two points, which is obtained by subtracting the coordinates of point A from those of point B. Once we have this vector, we can either add it to the coordinates of any point in the original plane to obtain the coordinates of the corresponding point in the new plane or define a new coordinate system with the origin at point B and the axes parallel to those of the original system.

Shifting the origin can simplify calculations and help us to see geometric relationships more clearly. It is a fundamental technique in Analytical Geometry and is used in many areas of mathematics, physics, and engineering.