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Crash Course AIIMS-SYLLABUS Chemistry syllabus Electrolysis

Electrolysis The syllabus for chemistry, specifically the topic of electrolysis, in the AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) entrance exam may cover the following concepts: It’s important to note that syllabi can vary from year to year, so it’s recommended to consult the official AIIMS syllabus or the relevant study materials for the most…

Seven crystal systems (cell parameters a, b, c, α, β, γ)

The seven crystal systems and their corresponding cell parameters are: In each crystal system, the cell parameters describe the dimensions and angles of the unit cell, which is the basic repeating unit of a crystal lattice. The dimensions are given by the three lengths a, b, and c, and the angles between them, α, β,…

Balanced chemical equations

A balanced chemical equation is a representation of a chemical reaction using chemical formulas and symbols. It shows the reactants on the left side of the equation and the products on the right side of the equation. The key feature of a balanced chemical equation is that the number of atoms of each element is…

Mole concept

The mole concept is a fundamental concept in chemistry that allows chemists to measure and relate quantities of substances. The concept is based on the idea that atoms, molecules, and other particles are very small and difficult to count on an individual basis, so they are instead measured in terms of the amount of substance…

Application of definite integrals to the determination of areas bounded by simple curves

Definite integrals can be used to determine the area bounded by a simple curve and the x-axis, or by a simple curve and the y-axis. The area can be found by dividing it into small rectangles, finding the area of each rectangle, and then adding up the areas of all the rectangles. This process is…

Definite integrals as the limit of sums

Definite integrals are a way to find the area under a curve between two points. One way to think about definite integrals is as the limit of a sum of rectangles. Suppose we want to find the area under the curve of a function f(x) between x=a and x=b. We can start by dividing the…

Derivatives up to order two of implicit functions

When dealing with implicit functions, we often have equations of the form: F(x, y) = 0 where y is an implicit function of x. That is, we can’t solve for y explicitly in terms of x. However, we can still differentiate the equation with respect to x to find the derivative of y with respect…

Increasing and Decreasing functions

In mathematics, a function is said to be increasing if for any two values of the independent variable, the corresponding values of the dependent variable increase or remain the same as the independent variable increases. More formally, a function f(x) is increasing if for any two values x1 and x2 such that x1 < x2,…

Derivative of a function

The derivative of a function represents the rate at which the function changes at each point. It is defined as the limit of the difference quotient as the distance between two points on the function approaches zero. The derivative of a function f(x) with respect to x is denoted as f'(x) or df/dx. The formula…

limit and continuity of the sum

Let $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ be two functions, and let $c$ be a real number. The sum of the two functions $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ is defined by $(f+g)(x) = f(x) + g(x)$ for all $x$ in the domain of both functions. To determine if the sum of $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ is continuous at $c$, we need…