Vrindawan Coaching Center

Surface tension

Surface tension is a physical phenomenon that refers to the tendency of the surface of a liquid to resist an external force. It is caused by the cohesive forces between the liquid molecules, which cause them to stick together and create a “skin” or “membrane” on the surface of the liquid. The surface tension of…

Root mean square and most probable velocities and their relation with temperature

Root mean square (RMS) velocity is a measure of the average speed of gas molecules in a sample at a given temperature. It is calculated as the square root of the average of the squares of the individual velocities of the molecules in the gas. Most probable velocity, on the other hand, is the speed…

Concentration in terms of mole fraction

Concentration can be expressed in terms of mole fraction, which is defined as the ratio of the number of moles of a particular substance to the total number of moles in the mixture. The mole fraction of a substance A in a mixture of n substances can be calculated using the following formula: Mole fraction…

Scalar and Vector triple products

The scalar triple product and vector triple product are two different operations that involve three vectors in three-dimensional space. The scalar triple product of three vectors a, b, and c is defined as: a . (b x c) where “x” represents the cross product of vectors b and c, and “.” represents the dot product…

Separation of variables method

Separation of variables is a method used to solve certain types of differential equations. The method involves assuming that the solution to the differential equation can be expressed as a product of two functions, each of which depends on only one of the variables in the equation. For example, consider the partial differential equation: ∂u/∂t…