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Advance Course AIIMS-SYLLABUS Biology syllabus The Molecular Basis Of Inheritance

The Molecular Basis Of Inheritance The molecular basis of inheritance refers to the underlying mechanisms by which genetic information is passed on from parents to offspring. It involves the study of the molecular structures and processes that govern the transmission, replication, and expression of genetic material. Key concepts and components of the molecular basis of…

Advance Course AIIMS-SYLLABUS Biology syllabus Genetics and evolution

Genetics and evolution Genetics and evolution are two interconnected fields of biology that study the inheritance and variation of traits in living organisms over time. Here’s a brief overview of each field: Genetics: Genetics is the branch of biology that focuses on the study of genes, heredity, and genetic variation. It examines how traits are…

Advance Course AIIMS-SYLLABUS Biology syllabus Budding

Budding Budding is a form of asexual reproduction in which a new organism develops as an outgrowth or bud from the body of the parent organism. It is commonly observed in many organisms, including fungi, plants, and some animals. In budding, the parent organism forms a small bud or outgrowth on its body. This bud…

Advance Course AIIMS-SYLLABUS Biology syllabus Binary fission

Binary fission Binary fission is a method of asexual reproduction commonly observed in prokaryotic organisms, such as bacteria. It is a relatively simple process in which a single parent cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Binary fission allows for rapid population growth in prokaryotes under favorable conditions. Here are the key steps involved in…

Advance Course AIIMS-SYLLABUS Chemistry syllabus Zinc

Zinc Zinc is a chemical element with the symbol Zn and atomic number 30. It is a bluish-white metal and is one of the transition metals in the periodic table. Here are some key points about zinc: These are some key points about zinc, but there is much more to explore about this versatile element…

Advance Course AIIMS-SYLLABUS Chemistry syllabus Oxidation

Oxidation Oxidation is a chemical process that involves the loss of electrons or an increase in the oxidation state of an atom, ion, or molecule. It is often associated with the addition of oxygen, the removal of hydrogen, or the removal of electrons from a species. Oxidation reactions are typically accompanied by reduction reactions, forming…

Advance Course AIIMS-SYLLABUS Chemistry syllabus Electrophoresis

Electrophoresis Electrophoresis is a laboratory technique used to separate and analyze molecules based on their size and charge. It involves applying an electric field to a gel or liquid medium containing the molecules of interest. The molecules, such as proteins or nucleic acids, move through the medium under the influence of the electric field. In…

Advance Course AIIMS-SYLLABUS Chemistry syllabus Rate of a reaction

Rate of a reaction The rate of a reaction refers to how quickly a chemical reaction occurs, specifically the change in concentration of reactants or products over time. It is often expressed as the rate of disappearance of a reactant or the rate of formation of a product. The rate of a reaction can be…

Advance Course AIIMS-SYLLABUS Chemistry syllabus Electrolysis

Electrolysis Electrolysis is a chemical process that uses an electric current to bring about a non-spontaneous chemical reaction. It involves the decomposition of an electrolyte, which is a substance that conducts electricity when dissolved or molten, into its constituent ions. During electrolysis, two electrodes are placed in the electrolyte solution or molten electrolyte. The electrode…

Advance Course AIIMS-SYLLABUS Chemistry syllabus Electrochemistry

Electrochemistry Electrochemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the study of chemical reactions involving the transfer of electrons between species. It focuses on the relationship between electricity and chemical reactions, particularly the interconversion of chemical and electrical energy. In electrochemical reactions, oxidation and reduction processes occur simultaneously. These reactions take place in electrochemical…