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Their periodicity and graphs

A Level Z = 1 to 20 Periodicity plots - graphs of physical properties of  elements of the Periodic Table GCE AS A2 inorganic revision notes KS5

Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of relationships involving angles and the sides of triangles. It has many practical applications in fields such as engineering, physics, and astronomy.

One of the most important aspects of trigonometry is the periodicity of the trigonometric functions. The six trigonometric functions are sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, and cotangent. These functions all repeat their values after a certain interval of input angles, which is called their period.

The period of the sine and cosine functions is 2π (radians) or 360° (degrees). This means that their values repeat every 2π radians or 360 degrees. The sine and cosine functions have a range between -1 and 1, which means that their graphs oscillate between these two values.

The period of the tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant functions is π (radians) or 180° (degrees). This means that their values repeat every π radians or 180 degrees. The tangent and cotangent functions have an infinite range, while the secant and cosecant functions have a range between -1 and 1.

The graphs of the trigonometric functions are important tools for understanding their periodicity and other properties. The sine and cosine functions are sinusoidal, meaning that they have a smooth, wave-like pattern. The tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant functions have a more erratic pattern, with asymptotes where their values approach infinity or negative infinity.

Overall, understanding the periodicity and graphs of the trigonometric functions is essential for solving trigonometric equations, graphing trigonometric functions, and using trigonometry in real-world applications.

What is Required Their periodicity and graphs

To understand trigonometry and its periodicity and graphs, you will need a strong foundation in algebra and geometry. You should also have a good understanding of the basic concepts of trigonometry, such as angles, the unit circle, and the Pythagorean theorem.

To work with the periodicity and graphs of the trigonometric functions, you will need to know how to convert between degrees and radians and how to plot points on the Cartesian coordinate plane. You should also be familiar with the properties of functions, such as domain, range, and symmetry.

You will also need to learn the properties and characteristics of each of the six trigonometric functions and their inverse functions. This includes understanding their periods, ranges, and graphs, as well as their relationships to each other.

In addition to understanding the properties of the trigonometric functions, you should also be able to solve basic trigonometric equations and use trigonometry to solve real-world problems, such as finding the height of a building or the distance between two points.

Overall, a strong foundation in algebra, geometry, and trigonometry is necessary to understand the periodicity and graphs of the trigonometric functions and apply them to real-world problems.

Who is Required Their periodicity and graphs

Trigonometry, including its periodicity and graphs, is required for anyone who wants to pursue a career or education in fields such as mathematics, science, engineering, architecture, surveying, or navigation.

Specifically, trigonometry is essential for:

  • Calculus: Trigonometric functions are used extensively in calculus, especially in calculus-based physics and engineering courses.
  • Geometry: Trigonometry is used to solve problems involving angles and sides of triangles, as well as in three-dimensional geometry.
  • Physics and Engineering: Trigonometry is used to analyze and solve problems involving waves, vibrations, sound, and light.
  • Navigation: Trigonometry is used to calculate distances, angles, and positions of objects in space, as well as to navigate using maps and compasses.
  • Computer Graphics: Trigonometry is used to create and manipulate images in computer graphics, such as 3D modeling and animation.
  • Astronomy: Trigonometry is used to study the movements of planets and stars, as well as to calculate their distances and sizes.

In general, anyone who wants to develop a strong foundation in mathematics and its applications will need to understand trigonometry and its periodicity and graphs.

When is Required Their periodicity and graphs

Trigonometry, including its periodicity and graphs, is required in a variety of educational and professional settings.

In terms of education, trigonometry is typically taught in high school as part of a standard mathematics curriculum, often in a course specifically dedicated to trigonometry. It is also commonly taught in college as part of courses in calculus, physics, engineering, and other science and math-related fields.

In terms of professional settings, trigonometry is used in a wide range of careers and industries, such as architecture, engineering, surveying, physics, computer graphics, and astronomy. It is also important for many skilled trades, such as carpentry, plumbing, and welding.

Trigonometry may also be required for standardized tests, such as the SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT, which are commonly used for college admissions and graduate school programs.

Overall, the study of trigonometry and its periodicity and graphs is required whenever angles, triangles, and wave-like phenomena need to be analyzed and understood, both in academic and professional contexts.

Where is Required Their periodicity and graphs

Trigonometry, including its periodicity and graphs, is used in a wide range of fields and industries, and therefore can be found in many different places.

In the academic setting, trigonometry is taught in high schools, colleges, and universities around the world. It is often a required course in mathematics or science-related degree programs.

In the professional setting, trigonometry is used in a variety of fields, including architecture, engineering, surveying, physics, computer graphics, and astronomy. It is also important for many skilled trades, such as carpentry, plumbing, and welding.

Trigonometry can be found in many different applications and industries, such as:

  • Construction and architecture: Trigonometry is used to calculate angles, distances, and heights in construction and architectural projects.
  • Engineering: Trigonometry is used to analyze and solve problems involving wave propagation, signal processing, and control systems.
  • Physics: Trigonometry is used to describe the motion of waves, vibrations, and oscillations, as well as to calculate the position, velocity, and acceleration of objects in motion.
  • Computer graphics: Trigonometry is used to create and manipulate images in computer graphics, such as 3D modeling and animation.
  • Navigation: Trigonometry is used to calculate distances, angles, and positions of objects in space, as well as to navigate using maps and compasses.
  • Astronomy: Trigonometry is used to study the movements of planets and stars, as well as to calculate their distances and sizes.

Overall, trigonometry and its periodicity and graphs can be found in many different places, from the classroom to the workplace, and from construction sites to outer space.

How is Required Their periodicity and graphs

Trigonometry and its periodicity and graphs are studied and used in various ways depending on the field or application in question. Here are a few common ways in which trigonometry is used:

  1. Solving Triangles: One of the most fundamental uses of trigonometry is to solve triangles. By using the properties of trigonometric functions, such as sine, cosine, and tangent, it is possible to find missing angles or sides of a triangle. This is particularly useful in fields like architecture and engineering, where precise measurements are important.
  2. Wave Properties: Trigonometry is also used to describe the properties of waves, such as frequency, wavelength, and amplitude. This is important in fields like physics, where waves are used to study everything from sound to light.
  3. Periodicity and Graphs: Trigonometric functions are periodic, which means they repeat over a certain interval. Understanding the graphs of these functions is essential for understanding their properties and applications. For example, the graph of the sine function is a wave that oscillates between -1 and 1, while the graph of the tangent function has vertical asymptotes. These properties are used in many fields, such as navigation and astronomy.
  4. Calculus: Trigonometric functions are also used extensively in calculus. For example, the derivative of the sine function is the cosine function, and the derivative of the tangent function is the secant squared function. These relationships are used in fields like physics and engineering to study the behavior of objects in motion.
  5. Real-World Applications: Trigonometry is used in many real-world applications, such as surveying land and building structures. In these fields, trigonometry is used to calculate distances, angles, and heights. It is also used in fields like computer graphics and animation to create realistic 3D models.

Overall, trigonometry and its periodicity and graphs are used in a wide range of fields and applications, and are essential for understanding many fundamental concepts in math, science, and engineering.

Case Study on Their periodicity and graphs

Case Study: Using Trigonometry to Study Ocean Waves

Trigonometry and its periodicity and graphs are used in many scientific fields, including oceanography. The study of ocean waves is important for understanding everything from climate patterns to coastal erosion. Trigonometry is used to analyze the properties of ocean waves and to create models that can predict their behavior.

In this case study, we will look at how trigonometry is used to study ocean waves.


Ocean waves are created by a combination of factors, including wind, tides, and ocean currents. They can travel great distances across the ocean and have a significant impact on coastal communities. Studying the properties of ocean waves is essential for understanding their behavior and predicting their impact.

Trigonometry and Ocean Waves:

Trigonometry is used to analyze the properties of ocean waves, such as frequency, wavelength, and amplitude. The properties of waves can be graphed using trigonometric functions like sine and cosine.

The wave equation is an important tool for studying ocean waves. It describes the relationship between the frequency, wavelength, and speed of a wave:

v = fλ

where v is the speed of the wave, f is the frequency, and λ is the wavelength.

Trigonometry is used to study the shape of ocean waves. The shape of a wave can be described using the wave’s height and length. The height of a wave is its amplitude, and the length of a wave is its wavelength.

Trigonometry is also used to study the direction of ocean waves. The direction of a wave can be described using its angle of incidence. The angle of incidence is the angle between the wave and a line perpendicular to the shore.

Modeling Ocean Waves:

Trigonometry is used to create models that can predict the behavior of ocean waves. One such model is the linear wave model, which describes the behavior of small waves in shallow water.

The linear wave model is based on the wave equation and the assumption that the wave’s height is small compared to its length. The model predicts that the speed of the wave is proportional to the square root of the water depth and that the wave’s height decreases as it approaches the shore.


Trigonometry and its periodicity and graphs are essential tools for studying ocean waves. They are used to analyze the properties of waves, create models that can predict their behavior, and understand their impact on coastal communities. By using trigonometry, scientists and engineers can better understand the behavior of ocean waves and make more accurate predictions about their impact.

White paper on Their periodicity and graphs


Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between angles and the sides of a triangle. Trigonometric functions like sine, cosine, and tangent are used to describe the properties of triangles and to model periodic phenomena like waves and oscillations. The periodicity and graphs of trigonometric functions are essential for understanding their properties and applications.

Periodicity of Trigonometric Functions:

Trigonometric functions are periodic, which means they repeat over a certain interval. The period of a function is the length of the interval over which it repeats. For example, the sine function has a period of 2π, which means it repeats every 2π units. The cosine function also has a period of 2π, as do all trigonometric functions.

The periodicity of trigonometric functions is related to the properties of triangles. For example, the sine and cosine functions can be used to describe the relationships between the sides of a right triangle. The tangent function is used to describe the relationship between the opposite and adjacent sides of a right triangle.

Graphs of Trigonometric Functions:

The graphs of trigonometric functions are essential for understanding their properties and applications. The graph of the sine function is a wave that oscillates between -1 and 1 over a period of 2π. The graph of the cosine function is similar, but it is shifted to the right by π/2.

The graphs of other trigonometric functions like tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant are more complex. The graph of the tangent function has vertical asymptotes at odd multiples of π/2, while the graph of the cotangent function has vertical asymptotes at even multiples of π/2.

Applications of Trigonometry:

Trigonometry and its periodicity and graphs are used in many fields and applications. In physics, trigonometric functions are used to describe the properties of waves and oscillations. In engineering, trigonometry is used to solve problems related to structures and machines.

Trigonometry is also used in navigation and astronomy to calculate distances and angles. In surveying, trigonometry is used to measure distances and heights. In computer graphics and animation, trigonometry is used to create realistic 3D models.


Trigonometry and its periodicity and graphs are essential tools for understanding the relationships between angles and the sides of a triangle. Trigonometric functions like sine, cosine, and tangent are used to model periodic phenomena like waves and oscillations. The graphs of trigonometric functions are essential for understanding their properties and applications. Trigonometry is used in many fields and applications, including physics, engineering, navigation, astronomy, surveying, and computer graphics.