Vrindawan Coaching Center

Bernoulli’s theorem

Bernoulli’s theorem, named after the Swiss mathematician Daniel Bernoulli, is a fundamental principle of fluid dynamics that describes the relationship between the pressure, velocity, and elevation of a fluid in motion. It states that as the speed of a fluid increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases, and vice versa. In mathematical terms, Bernoulli’s theorem…

Equation of Continuity

The equation of continuity is a fundamental principle in fluid dynamics, which states that the mass flow rate of an incompressible fluid through a pipe or channel must remain constant. Mathematically, this can be expressed as: ρAv = constant where: According to the equation, if the cross-sectional area of the pipe decreases, the fluid velocity…

Streamline flow

Streamline flow is a type of fluid flow where the velocity of the fluid is constant along each streamline. Streamlines are imaginary lines that represent the direction of the fluid flow at each point in space. In streamline flow, the fluid particles move in a smooth, organized manner, without any turbulence or mixing. Streamline flow…

Terminal velocity

Terminal velocity is the maximum velocity that a falling object can reach when the resistance of the medium through which it is falling (such as air or water) balances the force of gravity. At terminal velocity, the object stops accelerating and falls at a constant speed. The terminal velocity of an object depends on its…

Stoke’s law

Stoke’s law is a scientific principle that describes the behavior of small particles that are suspended in a fluid medium. The law states that the force of viscous drag on a spherical particle in a fluid is directly proportional to the velocity of the particle and the viscosity of the fluid and inversely proportional to…

Bulk modulus in Mechanics

In mechanics, the bulk modulus is a measure of the resistance of a material to compression. It is defined as the ratio of the change in pressure to the fractional change in volume, under conditions of constant temperature. Mathematically, the bulk modulus (K) can be expressed as: K = – V ΔP / ΔV where…

Modulus of rigidity

The modulus of rigidity, also known as shear modulus, is a material property that describes its resistance to shearing deformations. It is defined as the ratio of the shearing stress to the shearing strain within the proportional limit of the material. The modulus of rigidity is denoted by the symbol G and is measured in…

Viscosity (Poiseuille’s equation excluded)

Viscosity is a measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow. It is defined as the internal frictional force that opposes the motion of one layer of fluid relative to another layer. The most common unit of viscosity is the Pascal-second (Pa·s) in the SI system, but other units like centipoise (cP) and millipascal-second (mPa·s) are…

Bubbles and Capillary rise

Bubbles: Bubbles are pockets of gas enclosed by a thin layer of liquid. They can form in a liquid due to a variety of reasons, such as agitation, heating, or the release of dissolved gases. Bubbles are important in many industrial processes and are also a fascinating subject of study in fields such as chemistry,…


Mechanics drops can refer to a few different things depending on context, but generally it refers to a type of liquid used in mechanical applications to reduce friction, prevent wear, and provide lubrication. Mechanics drops can include things like motor oil, hydraulic fluid, and gear lubricants, which are used in engines, transmissions, and other mechanical…