JEE (Main+Advance) e-Crash Course Alcohols

Alcohols are an important topic in the chemistry syllabus for JEE Main and Advanced. Here’s a crash course on alcohols that will help you prepare for the exams. Make sure to practice problems related to alcohols and understand the concepts thoroughly to score well in JEE Main and Advanced. What is Required JEE (Main+Advance) e-Crash…

JEE (Main+Advance) e-advance Course Electricity and Magnetism

Electricity and Magnetism is an important topic in JEE (Main+Advance) and requires a good understanding of basic concepts and their application in solving problems. Here are some key topics that are covered in the e-advance course for Electricity and Magnetism: The e-advance course for Electricity and Magnetism will cover these topics in detail, and also…

Seven crystal systems (cell parameters a, b, c, α, β, γ)

The seven crystal systems and their corresponding cell parameters are: In each crystal system, the cell parameters describe the dimensions and angles of the unit cell, which is the basic repeating unit of a crystal lattice. The dimensions are given by the three lengths a, b, and c, and the angles between them, α, β,…

Integration as the inverse process of differentiation

Integration is the inverse process of differentiation. Differentiation is a process by which we find the rate of change of a function with respect to one of its variables. The inverse process of differentiation is integration, which is used to find the function that gives rise to a given rate of change. If we have…